We asked downhill athlete Adrien Paynel the questions you were wondering about.
Could you briefly introduce yourself to us? Where were you born and what are you doing as a profession?
Adrien: Hi, my name is Adrien Paynel, most people call me Frenchy. I grew up in San Diego California, currently living in Barcelona. Going to focus on skating and the opportunities it may bring me this year. After that, I will go back and finish school in California.
What influenced you to start longboard sport?
Adrien: When I was a kid, I loved going to the beach. My friends (the few that I had) and I started skating around when the waves were bad. We would slide around on smooth concrete and leather gloves. I then tried my luck bombing my local hill (the perfect spot for learning) but didn't have the best of luck… crashed hard, but I fell in love with the adrenaline rush. The second I could try again, I did so, and the rest is history.
What are your favorite longboard spots to skate?
Adrien: This is a very hard question. I'll give you my top ten (not in order, and I'm definitely forgetting some)
Deer Creek
Izoard and Bonnet
New shoutout for Bacon and Tennis
Las Flores and all the rest I haven't had the pleasure to discover
What advice do you have for newcomers to longboarding?
Adrien: Don't get intimidated by the videos. There is a lack of beginner level videos out there and I know it can be a bit daunting. Keep pushing, keep falling, ride safe, and support everyone around you.
What is your favorite Longboard move?
Adrien: Passing my friends :) and standup toesides (still have quite a bit of trouble with them)
What other sports do you do besides longboarding?
Adrien: I like a general workout (encouraged by getting better at skating) I love surfing although I don't have the opportunity to do so much. Slacklining, biking, hiking, and being outdoors.
What is the biggest longboard project that you have ever dreamed of?
Adrien: A well-rounded, supportive and supported, racing series that gives the opportunity to everyone to race well and get into this amazing sport.
To sum it up, what would you like to say to Turk Longboard members about Longboarding?
Adrien: Thank you for not speaking my mind. Thank you so many people for bringing longboards. Stay stoked, keep the love alive, and of course, go skate
All the Best,
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Adrien Paynel
Adrien Paynel Social Media Account
Adrien Paynel (@sdfrenchy)
Fotoğraf: Joel Paynel
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