Longboard Terms
Abec: Annular Bearing Engineering Comittee is a term that describes how much cycle production tolerance of abec bearings. Bones brand bearings do not use abec value, but Rpm, Abec 11 is not a number but a brand name, so its effect on Extreme Sports is actually different, you need to consider brand and structural features before abec number when buying bearings. Bearing cycle production is called "Abec".
Abec Rating: Abec Rating system is used over odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) in bearing rating. As the number increases, the rate of speed increases. the bearing rating is called "Abec Raiting".
Air Braking: When going down the slope with a longboard, the slide made in the manual position of 2 wheels is called "Air Braking".
Angled Risers: Riser Pads, which are used to change the angle of the truck made of plastic or wood, placed between the board and the truck, are called "Angled Risers".
Axle Nuts: The thin bars in which the wheel at the ends of the hangars in trucks enter are called axles. The nut used to hold the wheel that goes into this rod is called “Axle Nuts”.
Barrel Bushing: Bushings that resemble the roller generally preferred by Downhill riders are called "Barrel Bushing".
Baseplate: The base plate to which the board and truck system is connected and the king ping iron is connected is called the "Base Plate".
Back Side: If you slide regularly (left foot is in the front), your left side will be your backside, if you are goofy (right foot forward) your right side will be your backside. The movement made from your back to your back (depending on your foot in front) is called "Back Side".
Bushing: Known as the tomatoes in Turkey, truck hangar and base plate located between the 2 in 1 package, which help us return, for 1 truck you need to pay attention to Longboard 2 so plastic you need a total of 4 "Bushing" is called.
Bearing Spacers: They are cylindrical rings for fixing the bearing (bearings) inside the wheels. Some bearings may be self-spacers, forming a full bearing spacers where you connect the half-cut rings inside the bearing. The small iron rings that allow the bearing to be squeezed and damaged while rotating and to rotate freely are called "Bearing Spacers".
Bowl: These are the large bowl-shaped pools we see in the Skateparks. Pools that are more comprehensive and wider than normal pools are called "Bowls".
Camber: If your board is inclined upwards, it is called camber and your board will straighten when you climb on it. This type of wood is called "Camber".
Cruiser: Take your longboard, beech from point A to point B, we call it crusing between us. It is also the Longboard style and is considered a sub-category of many longboard styles. In the Cruiser style, you do carve movements like surfing, and according to him, lightweight models generally used by bamboo wood boards are at the forefront. Longboards used for touring are called "Cruisers".
Concave: It is the concave shape of your board. The edges are higher than the inside, this way, it allows us to better grip your board and help us while moving. This shape is called "Concave".
Cone: Its conical shape can be said to be indispensable for riders interested in Freestyle, Dance and especially Cruiser style because you can provide more comfortable turns with your trucks. Cone-shaped bushings are called "Cone".
Core: The bearings inside that hold the bearings resembling the core inside the wheel are called "Core".
Contact Patch: As the Contact Patch distance increases, the distance traveled increases, but as the turns get harder and shorter, it is the opposite. The length at which the wheels touch the ground is called the "Contact Patch".
Center Set: If the bearings of the wheels stand in the middle of the wheel, it is called "Center Set".
Cup Washers: It prevents bushings from getting damaged. Protective covers in the form of metal caps on the bushings are called "Cup Washers".
Crown: The part inside the bearing that is used to keep the bearing balls in line is called the "Crown".
Dancing: It is among the styles of the longboard. The movements we make on the longboard are called "Dancing". The movements that are used in dance, such as pirouette, are actually used in dance.
Downhill: You are downhill when you descend freely from hills, mountains or steep slopes. It is one of the most admired styles of the longboard. It is quite dangerous and it is essential to use protective equipment, if not, it could cost your life! Now you think about the danger of a good rider, when the accelerated speeds drop, let's say 70km. The style in which we reach high speeds with our longboard is called "Downhill".
Deck Leverage: As your board rises from the ground, its dominance will decrease. Beginners often choose Drop Through models because the board is closer to the ground. The height of our board from the ground is called "Deck Leverage".
Drifting: A very controlled spin where the rider manipulates and balances his weight. The indispensable movement for riders who want to control speed all along the way is called "Drifting".
Drop Through: Longboards are connection "Drop Through", for our board to be tied with plug-in trucks, the deck leverage is closer to the ground than other boards, and the risk of wheelbite is least.
Drop Deck: The Longboard models that the trucks do not pass through but still have Deck Leverages as close to the ground as the drop through decks, which are generally preferred by downhill riders and preferred by many riders in terms of stabilization, are called "Drop Deck".
Drop In: This landing you have made when you come down like a tree by putting the tail part of our board from any ramp or any spot is called "Drop In".
Durometer: Longboard wheels their hardness is measured with the letter "A". 78A is considered standard hardness. As the hardness (A) increases, the wheel hardens, its friction increases and its grip on the ground decreases. As the hardness decreases, that is, as the wheel softens, the hardness decreases, its friction decreases and its grip increases. The term used for the stiffness of the wheels is called "Durometer".
E - Skateboard: Longboards or skateboards that take an electrical system from one point to another point without taking a step are called "E - Skateboard".
Effective Foot Platform (EFP): The total standing area of our longboard board is called the "Effective Foot Platform".
Eliminator: Its original name is stimulator, it is the name given to the barrel bushing used by Downhill riders, which is more meaty and intense in the middle. At first, the stimulators work like barrels, but when the rider starts to lean more, his resistance to the right or left increases and after a certain point he does not turn at all (unlike the classic Downhill barrel), this is due to the extra intensity in the middle of the stimulator bushing. This type of bushing, which is generally seen in independant truck sets and downhill set ups, is called "Eliminator".
Elbow Pads: Protection equipment such as hard plastic pads produced to protect the elbows are called “Elbow Pads”.
Foot Bite: When the longboard is sliding, our feet get caught on the wheel and fall, the term we call foot bites is called "Foot Bite".
Freeride: It is considered the Style of the Longboard. Landings with more slide movements and various maneuvers are called "Freeride" compared to Downhill.
Freestyle: It is the freest and most creative style among longboard styles. As time passes, riders discover new moves and start to share them with their followers, which has an endless list of movements for this style, which is usually called "Freestyle".
Front Side: If you are skiing regularly (left foot forward) your right side will be your frontside, if you are goofy (right foot forward) your left side will be your frontside. A movement (depending on your foot in front) is called “Front Side”.
Flush Mount: Flush Mount is the shape that we usually see on Downhill boards. The truck parts of your board are not internally inserted, but have a recessed system, called "Flush Mount".
Foot Braking: "Foot Braking" is to stop our board by putting our reverse foot on the ground and slowing down our board due to friction.
Flathead Bolts: Not every screw fits our board, and some screws may damage our board. The reason that the screws of our longboard board is generally flat, it also prevents the screw from entering into the wood while tightening. Such screws are called "Flathead Bolts".
Flat Washers: It prevents bushings from getting damaged. Generally preferred by Downhill riders and protective covers that prevent the breakdown of bushings better than the ones in the form of caps and which are in the form of flat metal on the bushings are called "Flat Washers".
Flex: Longboard brands usually divide the boards into their flexibility according to the user's weight and call them flex1, flex2, flex3. The flexibility of your board is called "Flex".
Full Cut Helmet: Helmets in which our jaws are unblocked but whose sides continue wider than half helmets are called "Full Cut Helmets".
Full Face Helmet: Helmets that cover from our chin to our head are called "Full Face Helmets".
Gas Pedal: Generally, it happens on the edges of downhill boards and the slightly inclined cuts on the edges of our Longboards are called "Gas Pedal" because they are like stepping on the gas while sliding.
Griptape: Griptape is the adhesive and sandpaper on the board that is used to hold our feet on the longboard to increase our control.
Goofy: Those with the right guide foot, that is, the right foot sliding in front, are called "Goofy".
Hanger: The long part of your trucks holding the wheels is called "Hanger".
Half Shell Helmet: Half helmets that do not cover your chin compared to full helmets are called "Half Shell Helmets".
Hard Wheel Sliding: The slide movements that Downhill riders make after high speeds are called "Hard Wheel Sliding".
HeelFlip: The rolling motion we make with our heel outward after raising our board with ollie is called "HeelFlip".
Hippie Jump: When jumping from any obstacle, throwing the Longboard from the bottom and jumping over the obstacle and then landing on the board again is called "Hippie Jump".
Inch: The American unit of measure is called "Inch".
Inward Flip: The inward flip movement made by the combination of Backside Pop Shove it and HeelFlip movements is called "Inward Flip".
Indian Burn: The longboard is handled by holding the trucks by kicking and after the board is turned 360 with a manual movement while stepping from any obstacle or on a flat place, the hand is released from the trucks and the movement made by jumping on it like boneless is called "Indian Burn".
Kick: You can think of it as a kick. Hitting the board with our feet or lifting the board by hitting the ends is called a "kick".
Kick Tail: The back of the board, which is designed to be suitable for kick, is called "Kick Tail".
Kick Flip: Tahtamızı Ollie ile kaldırdıktan sonra içeri doğru denge ayağımızla tekmeleyerek yaptığımız harekete “Kick Flip” denir.
Kick Back: While holding the board with one hand, our balance feet are outside and generally used by riders who do dance moves while doing their manual movement the longboard movement is called "Kick Back".
Kingpin: Is the large screw in which we place the bushings which connect the Hanger and Baseplate inside the Trucks, there are two main types of kingpins, traditional kingpin and reverse kingpin. Traditional kingpin trucks are found on skateboards; reverse kingpin is found on most Longboards, this mechanism is called "kingpin".
Knee Pads: One of our most damaged places in longboard falls is our knees. Protection equipment such as a hard plastic pad we wear to protect our knees are called "Knee Pads".
Low Center of Gravity: When the riders is closer to the ground, he has more stability and this pleasant shopping center of gravity is especially important at high speeds. The boards where the longboard is closest to the ground are called "Low Center of Gravity".
Lock Nut: Lock means nut. Nuts that serve to hold our wheels or Trucks are called "Lock Nuts".
Mongo Goofy: Those who have the right guide leg, that is, the right foot gliding in front, not the front side of the board, but the ones who step by putting their opposite feet on the back are called "Mongo Goofy".
Mongo Regular: Rehber ayağı sol olanlar yani sol ayak önde kayanlar tahtanın ön tarafına değil ters ayaklarını arka tarafa koyarak adımlayanlara ”Mongo Regular” denir.
NSHKB: Northern Sun Handmade Kingsize Boards is the abbreviation of its brand. The shortened version of Northern Sun Boards, a Turkish Handmade Longboard Brand, is called "NSHKB".
Nollie: Ollie movement, as you know, is a board jumping movement. Nollie, on the other hand, is called "Nollie" when the board is kicked from the front, not the back.
Nose: The front of the board is called "Nose".
Off – Set: Tekerleklerin içindeki core placement’in iç kısma center sete oranla biraz daha yakın olan şekildeki tekerleklere ”Off Set” denir.
Ollie: Its inventor is the legendary skateboarder Rodney Mullen. It is the movement we make without taking a skateboard or longboard over an obstacle. Skateboarding is the basic movement as well as the bouncing movement. The movement, which is difficult to do because longboards are heavy and not as concave as skateboard, is called "Ollie".
Pumping: Using the horizontal forces (preventing slipping) on the wheels to accelerate or maintain their current speed while entering and exiting the turns. Its origin is the same as the body dynamics that allow surfers to accelerate when moving on the wave. Surfskate type boards (or at least short boards) are very easy to learn and do, but they are tiring and you cannot speed up too much. With longboards whose wheelbase is 25inch + and the rear trucks rotate less from the front, you can go long distances without taking any steps by pushing once after learning the technique. It is logically the opposite of carving. Carving slows down. Pumping is also accelerated. With LDP, long distance pumping, in other words, trucks customized for long distance pumping, the style in which you can maintain your speed with very little effort is called "Pumping".
Pump Track: It is a longboard track. It goes up in various places and down in various places. The purpose of this is to keep your speed going up and down while the longboard slides without wasting energy. These ramps are called "Pump Track".
Pre-Drifting: This technique, which is often used when going downhill, usually causes the person on top of the board to slow down and enter the bend with a wider angle before entering the bend. The reason for doing this is to take the bend easier and more controlled. Your board takes a shape parallel to the road, you slow down as a result of the friction of the wheels and you have "Pre - Drifting".
Pintail: Often used by cruisers. Pin / point spike, which looks like a surfboard with a tail, Longboard boards are called "Pintail."
Pop: Another name given to the tail on the back of the board is called "Pop".
Pivot Cup: There is a small socket at the end of our trucks except for the bushing where the Hanger and Baseplate are connected. The small plastic containers attached to that slot for the hanger to move easily and not to be damaged are called "Pivot Cups".
Panhead-bolts: It is a screw type. The reason for using this type of screws is that there is a washer between the screw and the wood in Drop-Deck boards so that it does not damage the wood. It's called Panhead because Pan: Pan Head: Screws that resemble an upside down pan when viewed from Head Plane are called "Panhead Bolts".
Race: Speed and continuity play an important role in this type of race. This event, which is "racing" in Turkish, is originally an event in Longboard where people compete with each other on downhill winding roads and the first finisher wins. This kind of race is called "Race".
Racing Leathers: It is a type of clothing (protection equipment) made with a special material used by Downhill racers. The feature of this outfit is that it provides extra protection to the rider on the board. This protection is both for protection from the wind and is worn to minimize the damage to the person in case of a possible accident. Also known as Racing Skin, this equipment is called "Racing Leathers".
Rebound: It is a situation seen in the bushings that are placed between the baseplate and the hanger and between the hanger and the top nut when connecting the trucks under the longboard to the kingpin, there are washers between them and provide rotation. You can observe this event after you give weight to one side of the board while you are returning, because the bushing returns to its former state due to its soft structure. As a result of the weight you give while turning the board to one side, energy is stored in bushing, and the energy stored in bushing is restored after taking your weight back to its original state, called "Rebound".
Regular: Those with left guide foot, that is, those with left foot slipping in front, are called "Regular".
Rocker: The reason why the board has a shape similar to Banana is to bring the height (center of gravity) from the center as close to the ground as possible, as a result, comfort and convenience are provided for people who will travel long distances. Besides the normal "U" shaped rocker, there is also a "W rocker". This is where the front and rear legs of the board will be placed closer to the ground, and the middle of your two feet is higher. The purpose of this is to provide extra grip to longboarders who do downhill and to bring the center of gravity as close to the ground as possible. The shape that the longboard takes downwards according to its purpose is called "Rocker".
Round Lip: The sidewalls of this type of wheels (outward-facing) are rounded, less aggressive. This type of wheels are generally used by those who are interested in the dance and freeride branches of longboard. Softened cheeks provide less grip and as a result, the application of movements such as slides becomes easier. So is the sidewall profile of normal skateboard wheels. This type of wheels is called "Round Lip".
Risers: The plastic or wooden pads that are placed between the Truck and the Board to raise your longboard board and reduce the risk of wheel bite are called "Risers".
Speed Wobble: "Speed Wobble" is the uncontrolled turning of high speed trucks to the right and left and throw you overhead.
Sliding: "Sliding" is the stopping movement we make by sliding the wheels when the foot brake is not sufficient at high speeds.
Slide Gloves: While doing longboard slide movements, there are slide movements that we do by leaning on the ground at high speeds and placing our hand on the ground, apart from the slide made standing. Slide gloves are called “Slide Gloves”, which contain plastics attached to the glove on the inside of the gloves, which prevents our hands from being damaged when they touch the ground in slide movements we make with support from the ground.
Sharp Lip: The sidewalls (outward-facing) of this type of wheels are sharp and have right angles. This type of wheels has a very high grip, so downhill racing is also used. The extra handling provided by its sharp cheeks provides convenience while cornering. This type of wheels is called "Sharp Lip".
Stand-up Slides: The slides we make standing without support from the ground are called “Stand-up Slides”.
Shut Down Slide: The slide movements that we get support from the ground with the slide glove we make with the support from the ground are called "Shut Down Slide".
Spray On Grip: The sandpaper on our board is called "Spray On Grip".
Speed Rings: In the Axle part of the trucks, the small ring-shaped iron rings that prevent the bearings in the wheels from compressing during use and preventing damage to the bearing and helping the bearing to perform better are called "Speed Rings".
Side-Set: The wheels in the shape of the core placement in the wheels closest to the trucks are called "Side Set".
Shields: Longboard is a plastic protection equipment placed in front of the board. At the same time, in the model used as Wheel Shields, equipment such as protecting the wheel and even braking by pressing on the shields are called "Shields".
Shock Pads: The soft pads placed between the truck and the board, which reduce the shock of the board while moving with our board or going down to cruise, were called “Shock Pad”.
Shove It: This move is also known as shuv-it, pop shove it. It is a movement that is usually done by freestyle longboard riders, you give your weight to the "Tail" (raised at the back) part of the board to make the movement and as a result of rotating from the wrist at the same time, the board turns 180 ° to the back and you do the movement. There are varieties of this movement, as well as the tail part at the back, as well as the nose part in the front (if available). The same process applies here as well. If you give your weight to the nose part and rotate the board from the wrist, the board will turn 180 ° towards the front. The board also has other movements such as 360 ° depending on the rotation angle. The motion of rotating the board is called "Shove it".
Tail: The back of the board is called "Tail".
Torsional Flex: This process works particularly well in pump, slide, carve and slalom areas of the longboard. It is called "Torsional Flex" when the materials that bring your board together return to the center without affecting the pressure on it as a result of the interaction with each other.
Top Mount: Longboards that we attach to the bottom of the board just like normal skateboards are called "Top Mounts".
Urethane: It is a thermoplastic known as urethane in Turkish, sometimes used on its own and sometimes as a result of a polymer composition. Made by synthetic resins; This material, which can perform the heating, cooling, hardening and softening stages over and over again, is called urethane / polyurethane. Various hardnesses can be obtained as a result of compositions other than this material. As a result of the friction between the wheels and the ground, heat occurs and this material, which we call polyurethane, is extremely heat resistant, so it is used; Another reason for using it in bushings is that it is resistant to heat again. By tilting your board left and right, you generate flexibility potential and heat energy. The best part is that it is available in various colors. "Urethane" is used in professional longboard wheels or bushings.
Ultracush: It is a technology that Vans, a longboard / skateboard shoe brand, has launched and used in its shoes. Skateboard / longboard shoes have a very thin sole that feels like you're walking on a bone. The Vans brand has found the "Ultracush" solution to this problem. It is a soft blue layer that comes in Ultracush Vans shoes. The advantage it provides is to minimize the impact on the feet. This breakthrough in the skateboarding world is called "Ultracush".
Varial Kickflip: It is an old school movement on the board. It is similar to a kickflip made on the board. While doing this movement, having a flexible board will work for you. You need to put one foot on the right and the other on the left of the board. While one of your feet pushes the board upwards, the other pushes it down and sideways, and the movement of your board is called "Varial Kickflip".
Wheelbase: The distance between the wheels on your board front truck and rear truck is called "Wheelbase".
”W” Concave: The purpose of this board shape, which is generally used in Downhill, is to bring the center of gravity of the person as close to the ground as possible. As a result, it becomes easier for the person to maintain his balance and gain control. It is aimed to put your front foot on the first downward part of the "W" shape (according to regular / goofy) and the second part that goes down (behind the board) your back foot. These boards, whose shape is similar to "W", are called "W Concave".
Wheel Wells: In order to avoid risks such as Wheel Bite, the cut grooves on the inside of the board in the wheel parts are called “Wheel Wells”.
Wheel Bite: "Wheel Bite" is the sudden ejection of you from the board by rubbing the wheel during the rotation of the board
Width: There are many different varieties of board width in the Longboard sport. It is the board width we call deck width, Axle width is the axle / axle width. but in essence, it should be chosen according to the person's own will, in a way that his / her comfort is in the foreground. Board width and axle width are measured in "Inch", which is the American unit. You need to choose an axle / axle depending on the width of your board. The term known as Width or Width is called "Width".