Longboard Rider Anna Pixner answered your questions.
Could you briefly introduce yourself to us? Where were you born and what are you doing as a profession?
Anna: My Name is Anna Pixner, I was born in Innsbruck/Austria. Next to skating, I studied Educational Sciences and Gender, Culture and Social Change. As a profession I skate, but also take the time to work in jobs that contribute in a good way to our society. At the moment I work as a coach for children in a climbing center, helping them finding a tool to cope with stress at school.
What influenced you to start longboard sport?
Anna: I started downhill skateboarding, because I was always drawn to skateboarding. Since I used to be really shy, and afraid to practice at a skatepark, I started to skate down the hills in my neighborhood. I didn't really know that sport existed that time, I kind of just started rolling down hills and really enjoyed it.
What advice do you have for newcomers to longboarding?
Anna: For someone starting new, my advice would be to focus just on having fun, and try to forget about what other people might think. In the beginning everyone looks a bit weird practicing downhill skating, but who cares?
What are your favorite longboard spots to skate?
Anna: My favorite spots are really steep roads with hairpins. I would say the best ones I know are in Portugal, that's my favorite country to skate.
What is your favorite Longboard move?
Anna: I guess toeside standup slides are my favorites. I just love the challenge of balancing out slides without hands, and toeside has always been my favorite side.
Which Longboard move was the most challenging for you?
Anna: Probably my favorite one, the toeside standup, was also the most difficult to learn. But once you got it, it feels so good!
What other sports do you do besides longboarding?
Anna:I love doing all kinds of activities in nature. I always spent a lot of time on mountains, skiing, snowboarding, climbing or slacklining. Since I moved to the ocean, I got really into surfing as well. It's hard to think of a sport that I don't like actually...
What is the biggest longboard project that you have ever dreamed of?
Anna: The biggest project that I dreamed of was always traveling to all continents in the world through skating. I always dreamed of discovering different cultures and landscapes by board, and now I can be extremely glad to say that I have been making that dream become reality for a couple of years already.
To sum it up, what would you like to say to Turk Longboard members about Longboarding?
Anna: My message to the Turkish community would be to keep believing in the sport, even if you feel like you are the only one in your country. I was one of the first to start in my area, and always went to skate by myself. But now here I am, skating all around the world with the best riders out there. You can make everything happen, if you're really passionate about what you’re doing!
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Anna Pixner
Preparer; Enfal Altar Calapverdi